Clicking Edit Script loads the script into the EveryStep Web Recorder.

Once the script has been loaded, there are several ways to edit a script.

Inline editing is available in EveryStep Scripting Tool Desktop only.

Add a Step

To add additional steps to the end of a script, simply press the record button, and select the option to continue recording.

Modify a Script with Tools

To add advanced functions to a recorded script, in the EveryStep Recorded window, right-click the script line after which you want to add a new function code. The script context menu provides access to the following functionality:

Edit Variables

To edit variables such as keywords, and field values like usernames and passwords, left-click a related method (underlined in the code) to edit the method variable values.

Context Parameters

You can convert a script method parameter to context. Follow guidelines from Adding Context Parameters to a Script.

Check Video Tutorials page for Advanced Tutorial videos.