Active Monitoring Subscription

For paid accounts with an active Monitoring subscription, Dotcom-Monitor automatically purges data from the system according to the following schedule.

Data Type Retention Period
Monitoring Devices Until subscription is active

Monitoring Response Data

Network Responses (including all response time data found in a waterfall chart, such as DNS response time, first packet response time, element load time, etc.) 180 days
Network Response Details (network headers, response body, DNS tree, etc.) 14 days
Aggregated Monitoring Statistics:

  • Performance
  • Uptime/Downtime
  • Errors


3 years
Alerts History 18 months


PDF Reports 365 days
Email Report History 365 days
Custom files (uploaded to the system, e.g., Postman files) Until subscription is active
Videos captured during monitoring

To learn more about how video recording works, see the Video Recording article.

6 days
Lighthouse Reports  14 days
Account Audit
Account Audit Log 365 days or the last object record in the audit log

Deactivated Accounts

Closed account data will be deleted from the system within 60 days after the subscription expiration or account deactivation. To delete all data associated with the account immediately, you need to cancel all existing subscriptions and select Delete Account on the Subscriptions page.

Data Type Retention Period
Billing Information (including credit card details) 0 days

Dotcom-Monitor automatically deletes your credit card details from our database on your account cancellation.

Account data (including monitoring and load testing history) Will be deleted 30 days after account deactivation.

Free Trial Accounts

Trial account data is not retained after the end of the trial period.