avgThe Average Response Time value for a Device represents the sum of average response times of all Tasks within this Device for a given period.

Average values are calculated based on response time values with the average response time calculator. The average response time values are displayed in the “Duration (msec)” column of an online report:

The calculation engine sums up all the Task response times for a given period. The calculation engine then divides that result by the number of responses which gives “Average Response Time for a Task”. Because a Device is a container for multiple Tasks the calculation engine then sums up all the “Average Response Time for a Task” values and divides that number by the number of Tasks, which give an “Average response time for a Device” for a given period.

Device average response time reflects the sum of Tasks’ average response times.


Let’s say you create device online report for a period of time, where device contains 4 tasks under it.

Average response time for 1st task: 1.095
Average response time for 2nd task: 0.5229
Average response time for 3d task: 0.3311
Average response time for 4th task: 0.0933
Average response time for a device will be a sum: 2,0423